Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Computer Components

Every person who wishes to buy a new computer must be careful about the little things, specifically the specs of the computer. Computer components are the crucial things to be inspected as you make that technological investment. Before you set off buying that computer for you, you should first make sure that you are aware of the different computer components which you need to inspect as you scan your options. So what are these important computer components? Here they are:

CPU – Also known as the Central Processing Unit. This is perhaps the most important part of the computer components in its most general sense. The CPU houses the memory and all the hardware components responsible for the timely transfer of data within the computer. The CPU is also known as the brain of your computer because this facilitates the entire working functions of your computer components. This is also the component which is responsible for setting off the speed of your computer’s capacity. With this in mind, your CPU is often measured in terms of gigahertz or GHz.

Mother Board – The mother board acts like a transmission venue for your computer components. This is where your keyboard and mouse gets wired to your entire computer processor. In addition, the mother board also connects other computer components to be reflected on your monitor. It is connected to both the hardware and the software computer components of your entire system. It seemingly provides a house of skeletal framework for your individual hardwares and just the same, it also facilitates file transfers between different data.

RAM – Also known as the Random Access Memory. This particular part of your computer components tells you just how much memory you can store on your computer. This is also a crucial component because if you have it at exceedingly low levels, you may not be able to open files or even facilitate making documents and other types of files on your computer. A memory is not just important for storing and saving data but it is also a crucial aspect that helps keep data become more visible than ever.

Hard Disk – This is perhaps the most wrongly understood part of all the computer components. Some people tend to interchange its functions with the RAM and other memory capacity. Among the computer components, you can refer to the hard disk as some sort of support system for your computer. How? Because it houses the memory of your entire computer as it is turned off. While your computer is running, the RAM is the one responsible in keeping its operational functions. But when turned off, your computer components’ memory goes to this safe place known as the hard disk.

Knowing these important computer components is important because it helps you know what type of specs you should look for when buying a new computer system for yourself. In this way, you can easily find the one that suits you best. Computer components are always a crucial thing to know because it helps save you from the fatal mistake of buying something that’s not meant for you.


A notebook computer, also called a laptop, is a smaller mobile computer. The term laptop was coined back in the 80`s, because they were so small that they could sit on your lap.

All notebook computers open like a book to reveal a 12`` to 20`` screen and a keyboard at the base with a touchpad. This touchpad is also known as a track pad which acts as a mouse. A notebook computer`s hardware is physically smaller in size and usually less powerful than a desktop. Most notebooks can do everything a desktop can these days, right from playing CD`s, games, music, run office applications to surfing the web.

With most notebooks having several built-in USB ports, any peripheral can be connected to a laptop including printers, mp3 players, and external hard drives. Notebooks give the user the flexibility to work wherever they want, whether at home, at the beach or in an airplane. Wireless connectivity to the internet is one of the best features of notebook computers.

Even before desktops went wireless, people used their wireless connections with their laptop to surf the web anywhere they wanted. Notebooks opened up an altogether new world with their mobile technology. Businessmen could fly across the country and keep their files with them and access them from their personal notebooks whenever required. The notebook also found its use in the campuses around the world for students to take down notes, look up for resources and research topics online.

Notebook computers range in price from around $500 to $3000 depending on the power of the CPU, the amount of memory one needs, the audio and video features selected as well as the peripherals chosen. Another important determinant for the price of a notebook is its weight. Because the primary use of a notebook is its mobile computing, a light weight unit is important to many people. Notebooks range from 3 to 7 lbs in weight and one has to pay more for a lighter computer.

When you own a laptop, you are almost certainly going to need a notebook computer accessory. There are all sorts of notebook peripherals that help make portable computing easier and more convenient. If you are looking for a cheap notebook computer, there are a few issues you need to be aware of so that you do not skimp on quality.

Computers have become so commonplace in our lives that we sometimes forget that they are intricate pieces of technology that demand care. And notebook computers are no exception. You may also wish to own a used notebook computer or a refurbished notebook computer that has been cleaned, fixed, upgraded and is ready for reuse.

Refurbished notebooks are popular because they are a less expensive way of owning a notebook. The first commercially available laptop notebook computer was in 1981. It was heavy and slow. But it was also the first step in computer technology. Then in 1995, Microsoft launched Windows 95 which enabled laptop computers to contain a universal processor, the Intel Pentium. Since that time there have been some noteworthy innovations that propelled the notebook to reach millions of homes and offices worldwide.

The best budget notebook is what every consumer wants when looking for a nice portable computer. Notebook computers are perhaps the best type of computers that a person can buy and is the ultimate in portability. Notebooks are a favorite in computing. Because just as the cell phone has almost replaced the home phone, the notebook computer can do everything a desktop can.

So many people like to have a notebook exclusively, only because it gives them the flexibility to use it in bed at night, at their desk at work, or in a meeting halfway across the globe!

Laptop Lcd Screen

Laptop LCD Screens come in different resolutions. Resolutions are the number of pixels per inch that a screen is able to display. Most screens sold today have TFT active matrix technology. The more pixels or higher the resolution a screen is the crisper the image. In addition, higher resolution screens allow more of a picture to be viewable.

Once a student came to me and asked “I want to upgrade size of my screen” It was little funny, I replied him “No, the screen size cannot be upgraded”
and if you want to upgrade resolution it depends on the type of video card contained in your laptop and the availability of a compatible LCD Screen of higher resolution, the screen resolution may be upgraded.

If your laptop screen displays lines ?

If you are observing Horizontal or vertical lines on your laptop screen then this means that you need to replace your laptop screen. But sometimes it can also be due to a defective video cable or video card. To find out the actual cause you need to connect your laptop to an external monitor if the lines don’t disappear it definitely means you need to get a new laptop screen.

What if display is dim?

Usually dim display is because of a problem with the inverter or by the backlight (screen). Normally it’s the inverter that causes a dim display, therefore we recommend that you replace the inverter first, if the problem still exists then you would need a new screen because there might be a problem with the backlight of the screen.

You can use different laptop screens with your laptop. Because normally the laptop manufacturer don’t produce there own screens and they use screens from different manufacturers in the same laptop model.